
Rasmalai Recipe

This popular super yummy sweet Rasmalai or Rossomoloii is a delicious and lip-smacking dessert made with soft spongy chenna or cottage cheese served with dry-fruits saffron flavored in a Milk Rabri.

Basically, Rasmalai formed with Ras and malai, in which ‘ras’ means syrup and ‘malai’ means cream or Rabri.

To prepare this recipe, you need to follow these two steps.

First, make the flattened soft spongy cheese balls similar like as you prepare the rasgullas and second is the thickened milk flavored with saffron and few dry fruits. Some people feel that to make chenna balls difficult at home but I must tell you that it is not difficult to make, though it takes some time, practice and patience. When you become expert in making it, then surely the next step will become simple for you.

Follow the guidelines below to make soft spongy Rasmalai. Make sure you follow the recipe directions carefully.



Serves: 5-6
Cooking time: 60 minutes
Level: Moderate
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  • For making Chenna - 1 litre low fat milk or toned milk for chenna
  • ½ cup water
  • 2 tablespoons vinegar or lemon juice
  • 2 teaspoons corn flour or corn starch
  • For sugar syrup - 200 gms sugar
  • 1 litre water
  • For making Rabri or Ras - 1 litre milk
  • 200 gms sugar for Rabri
  • ½ teaspoon cardamom powder
  • Saffron strains or kesar
  • Pinch of yellow food colour
  • Few nuts - almonds, pistachios or cashews chopped


For making Chenna

  1. In a pan take 1 litre of milk, boil it to prepare chenna or the fresh paneer or cottage cheese.
  2. When the milk comes to a good boil, switch off the flame and then lightly stir and set it down just for about 1-2 minutes.
  3. Now, add 2 tablespoons of white vinegar in ½ cup of water to curdle the milk. Instead of vinegar, you can also use lemon juice to curdled the milk.
  4. Then add the vinegar mixture in batches into the milk, continue stirring while adding it. Stir unill milk curdles completely. Once chenna is separated from milk then take a strainer, lined a thin muslin cloth and then sieve the mixture by making a small potly, squeeze off all the excess water out of it.
  5. Wash it under fresh water; keep pressing it just for about 1 to 2 minutes. This helps to remove all the extra flavor of vinegar or lemon juice. Then twist it and make a tight knot to remove all the extra water again. Keep it aside on to a plate or to a strainer for about 35-40 minutes.

For making Rabri or Ras

  1. Take 1 litre of milk in a pan, let it boil.
  2. Once the milk comes to a good boil then lower the flame to medium, keep stirring until a layer of cream is formed over the milk and just move it to sides of vessel.
  3. Repeat this process for at least 5 to 6 more minutes till the milk reduces to one-third.
  4. Further, add sugar around 150 gms (adjust the amount of sugar as per taste) along with few saffron strains for flavoring and cardamom powder. Mix well and cook it further for about 3-4 more minutes.
  5. You can use also a pinch of food color to it for the extra vibrant yellow food colour. Give a good mix and let it cook further.
  6. Keep scratching the cream from sides and add it to milk. The Rabri consistency should not be too thick; else the chenna balls will not be soak nicely.
  7. At this point, add few nuts almonds, cashews and pistachios. Mix well.
  8. Switch off the flame. Keep it aside, it takes almost 40 minutes.

For making Chenna balls

  1. After 40 minutes, transfer the chenna mixture on to a plate or a clean kitchen plateform.
  2. Start kneading the chenna with the help of the lower side of the palm; mash it for atleast 8-10 minutes until it turns very smooth.
  3. When the chenna starts leaving the oil, it is ready to make balls. Let it have some moisture, so that it will be soft and spongy.
  4. Now add 2 teaspoons corn flour or corn starch and knead it again just for about 2-3 minutes. This helps to bind the dough well.
  5. Furthermore, make small balls and flatten all of them. Keep aside.

For making sugar syrup

  1. In a large pan, add 200 gms sugar into 1 litre of water.
  2. Let it dissolve nicely; do not overcook the sugar water.
  3. When it comes to a good boil or starts bubbling then add chenna balls one by one cover the pan and cook it for 10-12 minutes over medium high flame until they turn double in size or puffed up.
  4. Turn of the flame and allow it to cool. Once it cool then remove the extra syrup out of it and transfer all of them into a rabdi or ras. Mix it slightly and let it soak in the Rabri well.
  5. Refrigerate it for 4 to 5 hours for best results.
  6. Serve chilled to your loved ones.


  • Always use heavy bottom pan while preparing Rabri, as there are low chances for milk to burn.
  • The Rabri or Ras should not be too thick nor liquid in form.
  • If you use full fat milk then Rasguallas won’t be spongy or soft.
  • Squeeze the sugar syrup from chenna balls well else it will no absorb Rabri milk.
  • Additionally, add nuts of your choice.